There is no force more Powerful than a Leader determined to Rise

DISC Assessment  Workshop 


Get DISC Connected

What if you could tap into your greatest motivations, dramatically improve your relationships, and accelerate your professional growth? Your individual personality affects every aspect of your life.  That’s why one of the best things you can do to grow yourself and others, is to understand your personality and what naturally drives you.  While we can all reach a level of peak performance our paths may vary.

Everyone you encounter is motivated differently, communicates differently, and views tasks and relationships differently. The Maxwell DISC Profile Workshop will help you achieve greater success when you learn to value your strengths as well as those of others.

Why Choose the Maxwell DISC Method:

The DISC behavioral assessment has been noted as one of the best behavioral indicators utilized to create predictable performance.  It serves as a catalyst for organizational development, personal awareness, team building, and peak performance. For decades, many of the world’s most forward-thinking people and organizations have relied on DISC Personality Tests because they recognize these are powerful resources capable of transforming teams and creating the capacity for leaders to grow and develop.

The Maxwell DISC assessment Workshop Includes: 

  • Online Access to the DISC Profile Assessment
  • 30-Page DISC Results Maxwell DISC Indicator Report
  • DISC Profile Workshop
  • 45-Minute DISC Debrief

 Maxwell’s Method of DISC is unique in that it has incorporated John C. Maxwell’s leadership principles and incorporated an action plan of growth. This report will provide you with powerful insight into several important areas in which your natural style presents itself in your personal and professional life: Your Behavior Style, Your Communication Style, Your Strength Style, and Your Work Style.  

DISC measures your personality and behavioral style and reveals how you can:

  • Apply the Law of Awareness to recognize your strengths and limitations.
  • Discover your DISC communication style.
  • Understand the communication style of others and how best to connect with them.
  • Leverage your strengths in the 7 key areas of influence.
  • Build a stronger team that communicates, appreciates the style of others, and works well together.
  • Learn effective strategies for handling conflict and personality clashes.
  • Develop yourself and others to reach peak performance.



DiSC Training and Leadership Workshop

“I have to say it was one of the best training”

I was a little skeptical going into this DISC training having had a ton of Leadership training throughout my 23 years of active military service. I have to say it was one of the best training I have ever received and highly recommend trying it for yourself. The classroom setting and the one on one feedback session were outstanding..


DiSC Training and Leadership Workshop

“I had an amazing experience with this DISC Training”

Great EXPERIENCE and DISC Training! Love the Emotional Intelligence component of the DISC. In my opinion, this is what separates this DISC training from the others. Checree has an impressive way of delivering content. Loved how she made the information appealing as well as relatable.

– Keyon

DiSC Training and Leadership Workshop

“This was an eye-opening, informative & helpful retreat”

The DISC assessment was great. It allowed me to understand my personality as well as the personality of those on our team. Not only did I learn about myself, I also walked away with a challenge for self-improvement. Ms. Bryant was engaging and provided great feedback to each person on our team. Great workshop and I would highly encourage others to take advantage of this amazing opportunity.

– Mary