There is no force more Powerful than a Leader determined to Rise

Three things are true about you.

You have talent, massive potential, and a strong desire to challenge the status quo. But the truth is, talent, potential, and desire, alone will not take you to the place that you desire to go. To the goal that you aspire to achieve.

Here’s what I know for sure. You’re ready for more. No more fluff and frills courses on time management or leadership theory. You’re looking for something different. You’re ready to do the work to become a transformational change agent in your sphere of influence. This training is not for the cookie-cutter corporate executive. Our leadership training program is designed for the radical leader who desires to lead beyond the boardroom. It’s time to learn and lead as you go! Gain direction and insight. Grow your leadership skills and put them into practical action. Be the transformational leader you’ve always desired to be! NOW!


Career Coaching

DISC-based Coaching is designed to launch your next career move level up in your corporate career.

1:1 Leadership

Individualized Coaching and Training that is designed to lift your leadership lid and lead your team with greater impact! 


The DISC Mastermind is a group training designed to increase your emotional intelligence (EQ) and harness it to achieve peak performance.